Monday, November 2, 2009

Outram Touch-Blues

Outram Blue are still playing unbeaten touch with another win against St Marys, overpowering them in both attack and defence and winning 13-0. The Blues played amazing touch using two man quickies, DA(Dive Attack) and pushing St Marys to there limits by closing them down early and putting lots of pressure on them when they are on defence. The whole team played well, working together and talking to each other.

The Blues also have a night game, playing in the seniors adults grade. They came up against the Taieri College senior team 'Rush'. The 'Rush' team had the advantage being taller and some of them a lot faster. Sometimes it looked like the players learn't tap dancing by stepping and jumping away from us trying not to get touched. The Blues still didn't care about them being faster and taller and just played some good touch and eventually it came to a draw 9-9.
By Dan G

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