Monday, May 26, 2008

Miniball Week 3

Outram Red vs. Elmgrove
A high scoring game from the Reds this week against a younger, inexperienced team who didn’t even get a chance to shoot. Everyone bar one in the Reds scored baskets, and while not great for Elmgrove, was good for our team to get a taste of scoring baskets. Top scorer this week was Sarah J with 7 baskets. Player of the day went to Nathan C for illustrating what good teamwork is all about - defence, attack, passing to your fellow team mates and calm, controlled play. Score: 56/0 to Outram.

Outram White vs St Mary's
The game was fantastic, Outram won 18/12. Both sides showed maximum participation
levels. Player of the day was awarded to Luke K for many shots in from the three point line, its a shame in mini ball
they don't count three pointers! Well done to all other players.
Liam J [Team captain]

Outram Yr 7/8 vs Taieri College
Another successful week of miniball for the Outram Blues. With a score of 24-12 the team played great and created a couple of good blocks so the lay-ups went in the hoop. Emily B retreived or tipped some great rebounds while at the other end of the court the shots went up and in by Cam M and Isaac T. Defence was tight and Sam Y stole the ball from the opposition and had the defence under control.
Well Done.
By Hayley M

1 comment:

Richard Darby said...

saw the game you guys and girls were outstanding